Empress Wallie Sue and Weeb Emperor Open Up: Love, Streaming, and the Future of Content Creation

Estimated read time 12 min read

In an exclusive interview with Epistle News, we sat down with two of the most influential figures in the streaming world—Empress Wallie Sue and Weeb Emperor. Known for their edgy humor, unapologetic takes, and trailblazing careers, they opened up about everything from Samantha Rivers’ surprise win at the 2024 Streamer of the Year Awards to their evolving personal lives and future plans. Here’s what they had to say.

What are your thoughts on Samantha Rivers winning Streamer of the Year 2024 over other seemingly more well-known streamers?

The Emperor: It’s kinda weird. Not only have we never won, even after breaking records, but for Kai and Speed, it must be quietly frustrating. Those guys are a constant, but Samantha did her thing. I don’t think anyone saw that coming. It’s definitely about more than just numbers. If you know, you know. It reminds me of something Eminem once said about the Grammys and awards in general…

Wallie Sue: That’s a big achievement, and numbers don’t lie. I think everyone had a good year, to be honest, but things are getting kinda weird as usual. Kai, man, Kai. Thankfully, our goals have changed, and that rat race isn’t for me anymore. I’m just happy to be a streamer who’s done so many awesome things no one can take away from me. I’m sure others feel the same way. So congrats to Samantha! I’m not gonna trash her like everyone else, but by saying that, I’m also not dismissing my own numbers. We know me. But they’re in a league my platform wouldn’t allow me to fully stay in anyway. A lot of changes are coming, and maybe then I’ll care more about it.

With so many hinting about new relationships, can you give us a status update on your love life? Has it been rough being well-known and polyamorous?

Wallie Sue: There was an interest, but every time I think it’s something new and fun, the amount of resistance kills the “honeymoon” energy. Girls treat us, or me, more as a fetish rather than being serious. As a former NSFW model, I was okay with that, but now it doesn’t really interest me in terms of just hooking up. We’re definitely looking for something more serious. I want that. I’m not above trying with who I try or tried with—I don’t care how it looks. I’m pretty open. But none of the people I’ve pursued match the energy, or it’s the wrong time. I want a girlfriend for us, but we’ll see who’s about it and if it’s natural. I think people who knew me from way back have a better chance with us, but if it’s natural, it’s natural. I’m just tired of girls with hidden, scorned boyfriends trying to use us as a revenge token. It gets emotionally exhausting. I love clarity, attentiveness, reassurance. Emotions should show up when they need to. And responding to a DM when I send one? Simple stuff like that gets us right. Let’s dive into something different and fun, the way it should be.

The Emperor: I agree with her, but it’s also one of those “you can’t make someone talk to you if they don’t want to” situations. Just because you know you’ll be good for a person doesn’t mean anything if they don’t see it. It’s easy to get laid, but finding something deeper is way more fun and intense. It doesn’t always have to be that way, as many of us know, but being poly is well worth it. We enjoy the moments we create together. We’ve called our place “Roam” more than once. Plus, dates are always fun, even if sometimes you get duped. A lot of these girls play games, but they’re not used to go-getters who can back up their words with action. We’ve done well for ourselves, and a lot of people aren’t used to the energy we both bring, which can be overwhelming. So, we’ve had to dial it back and not treat that part of our lives like a business. But when we find an official third, we won’t hide it. We don’t hide anything. Hope that answers your question.

What’s your relationship with the up-and-coming Scotty K Fitness? We’ve seen you holding trophies together—will there be a collab?

Wallie Sue: He’s our nutritionist at the gym, and I’ve never had a bad experience with him. He’s pretty cool, high-energy, and patient, which is rare because a lot of high-energy people aren’t patient. Collabing? I don’t know—our styles are really different. But I could see us doing something funny for one of my channels or his. I’ve done plenty of videos in his editing style. He’s super funny in his execution, so I can see it happening. Plus, we’ve already tossed around some ideas that could look good on video. Our content styles are changing, so maybe it’ll be even better for a Scotty collab.

The Emperor: I know the question was directed at her, but let me say this—I tried to manage Scotty earlier on because I saw what the man was about to do. I saw it coming. But he already had everything he needed, and he’s executing perfectly. There are some ideas he hasn’t tapped into yet, but I’ll spin them his way, and you’ll see gold. He’s a great guy.

Do you have a favorite movie of the year so far?

Both: Deadpool.

The Emperor: But Alien was a huge contender, not gonna lie.

Wallie Sue: Yeah, Alien was oddly peaceful.

You mentioned taking your content in a new direction. Does that mean no more thirst traps? And when will we see another Vector collaboration?

Wallie Sue: I don’t want to confuse anyone—I have over 100 drafts of different videos for the OfficialWeebDynasty account going back three years. I’ll release thirst traps, just less and less. The new direction will be more “Con” stuff like public questions, reactions, and money games. I’m definitely getting back to Vector reactions, and we’ll get back in contact for something a little different—maybe. But I’m not fully moving away from thirst traps or NSFW content. I’m just going to find the fun in what I do again and not stay stuck in a genre that’s always under fire. Tons of different things are on the way, including simple stuff I’ll enjoy. I really want to get my workout and fitness channel started properly.

Wallie, do you think you and Alyssa Griffith will ever recover from your feud? Her main account with over 9 million followers hasn’t posted since 2022-09-26. Will you comment on that?

Wallie Sue: I don’t think either of us will fully recover, but I think we’ll do better than we did at the height of our careers. Without that feud, my socials would look way different now. The technical issues stopping her from posting came from that time, though. I’ve seen her posting on smaller accounts, trying to grow again, but we’re all good now. That’s the cost of doing battle, and even though I won, at what cost? It taught us the art of online warfare, which is a great tool to have in this day and age. We know what to do and when, but everything’s better now. She’s fine, and so am I—and so are the others from that time.

Wallie, you haven’t been posting consistently for almost two years. What’s the sudden change now?

Wallie Sue: We’ve been focusing so much on streaming. I figured it’s time to get back to my roots and try to have fun with it again. I want to be a TikToker as well as a streamer. I want to give my audience something to enjoy. A lot of people don’t watch streams and want more content that isn’t just thirst traps, so I’m trying to deliver this time. With my man’s help, we’ll definitely get to the next level with everything and win for the otakus like we love to do. But I’ll always do thirst traps because I like them, and it ties into my other business. By 2025, I’ll have all kinds of new content stacked for release—I can’t wait to share it.

Emperor, what’s the key to success online? What should newcomers do to stand out? Even though you don’t post as much as you used to, you seem to understand the online realm better than most.

The Emperor: Without giving away too much that should be paid for, I think the question answers itself. People need to stand out and do different things. Maybe they’ll start a trend, capitalize on it, and then move on. So many people get stuck doing the same thing for years. No—move on and try something new that you and others might enjoy. And be consistent. I’m not consistent right now, but I’ve done my time, so to speak. I can turn it on whenever I need to because I still have it in me. Find the hunger and follow through like a maniac—lose sleep over it, be tired doing it, be exhausted doing it. That’s when you know you really want it. And then, all the shiny rewards will come along with that grind. Law of Attraction 101: want it, see it, and take action for it to come to you. It’s real—start now.

Is there going to be any merch coming anytime soon? It seems long overdue.

The Emperor: Yes, absolutely. We’ve got some great people working on amazing designs, and we’ll be up and running on the TikTok store in no time. We’re both really excited because it’s definitely long overdue.

Wallie Sue: I can’t wait to start wearing and promoting my own stuff! You guys are going to love what we’ve been working on with Leo, and our TikTok team is all set. I’ll be sponsoring myself soon, and I seriously can’t wait to show you all.

Do either of you feel you’ve gotten the recognition you deserve for being the first TikTok live streamers and helping shape the platform’s “Audience Control” policy that allows adult content from all types of creators?

The Emperor: Yes and no. It’s kinda like that Soulja Boy rant—Drake? No, man. We did so much for that space. People wouldn’t be getting paid without what we went through. They wouldn’t be streaming with gifts, and it would’ve been years before TikTok realized the potential for streaming. But because we were pushing the platform so hard, they made those changes fast. At first, they didn’t know what to do with us except ban us, and they kept taking away our millions. But we fought back, and now our names are still out there, showing what it means not to quit. It stunted our growth a bit, but at least we made a big difference for a lot of creators. Many of those who popped from 2020 to 2022 know what we did, but it’s not the level of recognition it could be. Still, we’re young, we’re having fun, and nothing’s stopping us from becoming even bigger. We’ll keep going, and maybe this time we’ll open up to more collabs.

Wallie Sue: Exactly. But I’m different—I don’t mind reminding people who I am or what I did. I’ll do it in a heartbeat. I really don’t care. I am that girl, and sometimes people need a reminder. I put up my numbers whenever I need to, and we’ve made history. I want to do it again and again. There’s so much left to explore on other platforms that we haven’t even fully tapped into yet because we’ve been busy with what’s already working for us. But changes are coming, and I’m just excited to keep having fun living this dream. It’s like a simulation, but it’s so awesome, especially coming from almost nothing. I appreciate all the love, especially from those who understand what we’ve done and continue to do every day.

One last question: Name one anime each for a beginner to start with.

The Emperor: Good one. I’d say S-Cry-Ed. It’s got everything to pull a novice in—love, action, and an awesome storyline. Kazuma is the man.

Wallie Sue: Soul Eater. The music alone will make you want to finish it. It’s a beautiful show, with great action and heartwarming moments. And, like he said, awesome music.

As we wrapped up, one thing was clear—Wallie Sue and the Emperor are just getting started. With their drive, ambition, and unfiltered approach, they continue to push boundaries both on and off the screen. Whether it’s in the form of new collaborations, groundbreaking content, or setting trends in the streaming world, they’re ready for their next big move. And in the words of the Emperor himself, “Nothing’s stopping us from being bigger than we ever have been before.” Keep an eye on them, because they’re not done making history yet.

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